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Welcome to the AMICK Surname Board!

If you wish to search Rootsweb for Amick-related information other than that found below, see the Amick Resource page at http://resources.rootsweb.com/surnames/a/m/AMICK/.

The AMICK Surname Board on GenConnect is sponsored by Rootsweb to promote sharing of genealogy information specifically related to the AMICK Surname. Alternative spellings include AMOCK, AMACK, EMIG, EMIGH, EMICH and AMEY. Please note that boards under these names may also exist! As I find the URLs I will put live links for your convenience.

Rootsweb also sponsors an AMICK Surname Mailing list. Please consider joining with other folks searching for Amicks in sharing information and finding cousins! To subscribe to the list or digest with the word "subscribe" (without quotes) in the body of the message and no other text. If you have problems using a mailto link, please see http://www.rootsweb.com/~maillist/ for further help.

Please post appropriately on the boards below. Don't ask a query on any board except the query board. Please do share your ancestor's biographies, wills and deeds, etc. with us on the appropriate board.

Surname: Amick (soundex code A520)

Note: The GenConnect default is items in the last month. If you wish to see all Biographies, Obits, etc that have been posted, please change the "period" field to "several eons".

Queries Bible Records Biographies Deeds Obituaries Pensions Wills

Amick Resources Outside Rootsweb and GenConnect


Rowan's Amick pages
Descendants of Johannes Amick and Eva Dorothea, Palatine immigrants who gave over on the Pink George & William in 1732. GER>PA>NC>MO.
Name origin speculations, family group charts and more.
Climbing Jeremy's Family tree
A family site with quite a few WV Amick links.
Zopp Family in Cyberspace
Quite a few Amicks, but not much information on them. Probably WV line.
Pitsenbarger & Amick
This site is about the WV line, also descended from Johannes and Eva Amick.

German/Dutch Genealogy

The Olive Tree
Resources for Dutch/German settlers in North America - passenger lists, registries and more.
The Palatines to America Homepage
An article on who the Palatine (German) settlers were.
Donna Speer Ristenbatt Genealogy Home Page
Dutch Research Corner and a variety of resources for Dutch searchers.
German Genealogy Home Page
Tips for beginners and information for German research.
Internet Sources of German Genealogy
Lists, links, secondary sources and many resources for the German researcher.
German Genealogy: Alsace / Elsass
The Alsace was sometimes German and sometimes French, so there are special issues for the Alsatian researcher.
Pennsylvania Dutch genealogy
A variety of resources, links, mailing list and more.
OMII Genealogy Project
The Ohio Michigan Indiana Illinois Genealogy group focusing on mostly Swiss Mennonite and German Amish descendants.

This page is http://www.conjure.com/GENE/gencamick.html

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